Latest research

Choosing to exercise is one of the best decisions you can make! But why?  Over the next few weeks and months we will be explaining what the lastest research tells us about how exercise prevents or delays the onset of disease and illness.

Here are some of the topics that will be covered:

  • Exercise and the risk factors for the chronic diseases of lifestyle
  • Exercise and heart disease
  • Exercise and diabetes
  • Exercise and osteoporosis
  • Exercise and arthritis
  • Exercise and cancer

And much more!!!!!


The latest research indicates that those who change from a sedentary lifestyle to being physically active and fit, will experience lower rates of disease and premature death compared with those who continue to remain sedentary or unfit.

This holds true from middle age to older age, and is VERY important,  as it shows that it is NEVER TOO LATE TO START EXERCISING TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH.

The 4 main chronic diseases attributed mostly to poor lifestyle choices include:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory disease
  • Cancer

These four diseases are responsible for over 50% of deaths worldwide

Others diseases that may be caused due to poor lifestyle choices may include stroke, mental health problems, musculo-skeletal problems, osteoporosis, gout, metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease, and irritable bowel disease, amongst others.

The risk factors for these chronic diseases of lifestyle that you are able to change include:

  • Physical inactivity
  • Poor nutrition (high calorie, salt, and saturated and trans fatty acids intake)
  • Excess body weight
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol intake

The risk factors that you cannot change include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Family history



Exercise can prevent or delay the onset of disease by acting directly on the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, and indirectly on METABOLISM, BODY MASS and BODY COMPOSITION.  (see benefits of exercise on the main page of our website)

How much exercise must I do to induce these changes?

  • Exercise on a regular basis and make it a long-term commitment.  The effects of exercise are short-lived.  Thus, in order to reduce the risk of chronic disease it is important to perform exercise regularly and incorporate it into your lifestyle.
  • If you are healthy and between age 18 and 65, your need moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes five days each week, OR vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes three days a week. (Moderate-intensity exercise is equal to a brisk walk that noticeably increases the heart rate, and makes you slightly breathless i.e. you should still be able to talk to your walking companion!) (Vigorous-intensity exercise causes a substantial increase in heart rate and breathing rate).
  • The 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise can be accumulated by performing bouts of exercise each lasting 10 minutes or more.
  • You need to engage in muscular strength and endurance training a minimum of 2 days a week. Perform 8-10 different exercises using the major muscle groups i.e. the the legs, trunk, chest, back and shoulders.  Perform 1-2 sets of 8-15 repetitions.
  • If you would like to further improve your fitness, further reduce your risk for the chronic diseases of lifestyle and/or prevent unhealthy weight gain, it may be necessary to exceed the above minimum recommended amounts.
  • You need to do regular stretching, which will increase your range of motion of your joints, and reduce the risk of developing an injury.


  1. American College of Sports Medicine for Exercise Testing and Prescreoption: Seventh Edition.
  2. Healthy lifestyle interventions in general practice: Derman et al; SA Journal of family practice volume 50, no.4, 2008

For more information on obtaining an individualised exercise programme or to join one of our classes, please contact one of our BIOKINETICISTS  at First Principles, 60b Clarensville, Regent Road, Sea Point, Tel: 021 4332847 or click here to email one of the team.


The benefits of exercise

Exercise is the best medicine yet!

Exercise prevents or delays the onset of illness and disease, through direct changes on the cardiovascular system, and indirect favourable changes in body mass, body composition and metabolism.  Regular exercise also has the ability to reduce the adverse affects of stress.

The reasons for the above are outlined below in the PHYSIOLOGICAL, METABOLIC AND PSYCHOLOGICAL effects of exercise on the body.

Physiological Benefits:

  • Reduces the occurance of cardiac (heart) events, and reduces the incidence of stroke, hypertension and type 2 diabetes
  • Increases heart and lung efficiency. Exercise causes the heart and lungs to work more efficiently together to circulate oxygen to the rest of the body so that the resting heart rate and blood pressure will be lower
  • Increases extremity circulation. Conditioning improves the heart’s ability to circulate oxygen throughout the body.
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis by maintaining bone mass or reducing the rate of bone loss. Weight bearing exercise and resistance training improves muscle strength and balance, therefore reducing the risk of falling and fracture
  • Reduces the risk of some cancers e.g. colon and breast cancer
  • Increases muscular strength and endurance, and aerobic capacity (fitness)
  • Improves posture, core stability, flexibility, balance and co-ordination


Metabolic Benefits:

  • Promotes weight control. Losing excess body weight will decrease the work load of the heart and may lower blood pressure in persons with high blood pressure.
  • Controls blood sugar levels in diabetics. Exercise increases the bodies ability to use glucose (blood sugar), thereby decreasing the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Controls cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming) can lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels, and increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels.


Psychological Benefits:

  • May decrease anxiety and depression
  • May enhance feelings of well being, and improve self esteem
  • May enhance performance of work, recreation, and sport activities
  • May improve sleeping patterns


For more information on obtaining an individualised exercise programme or to join one of our classes, please contact one of our BIOKINETICISTS  at First Principles, 60b Clarensville, Regent Road, Sea Point, Tel: 021 4332847 or click here to email one of the team.


What is biokinetics?

Biokinetics is defined as the science of movement and the application of exercise in rehabilitative treatment or performance.  It is a profession concerned with health promotion, the maintenance of physical abilities and final phase rehabilitation, by means of scientifically-based physical activity programme prescription.

A Biokineticist is a clinical exercise specialist who:

  • Functions within professional alliance to health and medicine, and is recognised by and registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
  • Improves a person’s physical wellbeing and quality of life through individualised scientific assessment and the prescription of exercise in rehabilitative treatment to prevent or intervene with certain ailments and the enhancement of performance (sport and work).
  • Evaluates & Measures: body posture, body composition, blood pressure, glucose levels, lung function, heart rate, fitness, muscle strength, endurance, power, flexibility and other health screenings.
  • Is a health professional who through health promotion and wellness create a better quality of life for people they work with.


A Biokineticist assists in preventing and treating individuals with:

Orthopaedic Conditions:

  • Individual exercise prescription for the rehabilitation of the back, neck, knee, shoulder, elbow, hip and ankle injuries and conditions.  Treatment is offered after acute phase rehabilitation (physiotherapy) up to and including full participation in sport or other physical activities of life.

Chronic disease and conditions:

  • Individual and supervised exercise programmes for the prevention and management of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and pregnancy (pre and post natal).

Exercise Testing for Athletes:

  • Sport specific testing and training of an athletes endurance, speed, flexibility, agility, power, strength and reaction times.
  • Rehabilitation of sport injuries.

Health Promotion for General Population:

  • Assessment of health risk factors and implementation of intervention strategies to support the individual toward total wellness.
  • Providing programs for: Weight loss; General fitness; Muscle strengthening; Toning and definition.


For more information on obtaining an individualised exercise programme or to join one of our classes, please contact one of our BIOKINETICISTS  at First Principles, 60b Clarensville, Regent Road, Sea Point, Tel: 021 4332847 or click here to email one of the team.

What we can offer you?

Our aim is to:

  • Improve your physical wellbeing and quality of life.
  • Assist in the rehabilitiation of your back, neck, knee, shoulder, elbow, hip or ankle injury/condition.
  • Assist in the rehabilitation after back, knee, hip or shoulder surgery.
  • Enhance your work and sport performance.
  • Assist in the prevention and management of the chronic diseases of lifestyle i.e. heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, arthritis, and osteoporosis.
  • Provide support and guidance of your exercise regime throughout and after your pregnancy.
  • Assist you with your weight loss programme, and the improvement of general fitness, strength, endurance, flexibility and balance.
  • Assist with strengthening of the muscles, and improvement of balance and functional fitness, to reduce falls, in elderly or frail individuals.


We will help you to achieve this through:

  • An individual assessment of your condition.  This may include the evaluation of body posture, muscle imbalances, body composition, blood pressure, glucose levels, heart rate, fitness, muscle stength and endurance, power, flexibility, balance and other health screenings.
  • The prescription of correct and specialised exercises specifically tailored to the diagnosis of your injury/condition.
  • A supervised individualised or group session in a private gym in Sea Point or at your home.
  • The provision and monitoring of a home and/or gym programme.
  • The facilitation of the return to normal exercise and self-managment through education.
  • Working alongside your doctor, physiotherapist and/or chiropractor to provide you with the best healthcare possible.
  • The provision of the necessary support, care and encouragement you need in a friendly comfortable environment.


For more information on obtaining an individualised exercise programme or to join one of our classes, please contact one of our BIOKINETICISTS  at First Principles, 60b Clarensville, Regent Road, Sea Point, Tel: 021 4332847 or click here to email one of the team.